Sunday, December 04, 2005

Snowfall in Bloomfield

So winter is finally here and last night I got what I had been waiting for.

Snow. Pretty snow, to be exact. Pretty snow on a quiet night.

It started around a quarter past 11. At that time, I was in a divey little bar on some side street, listening to a pretty decent little band. Doing country covers with a stand up bass.

I was by the door and caught a glimpse of the snowfall when some folks opened the door to come in. It was the pretty, fluffy kind. A few days earlier, we'd had some snow, but it was the ugly kind. The kind that reminds you more of a sandstorm than snowfall. But this was the good stuff, the real stuff.

Heading home, long before the bars shut down, we got to walk through the snow while it was still fresh. Living on such a busy street, this is especially a treat. I like to be the first one to disturb it, but the heavy foot traffic in my neighborhood usually prevents that.

Even though it was a Saturday night, our street was quiet. Maybe the snow kept the usual crowds away. But it was nice. No band at the bar across the street either, so that too cut down on the noise.

So, I got to do what I have been waiting for since October 27th--I got to sit in front of my bedroom window and watch the snow fall down around the Christmas decorations my neighborhood association put up.

Yep, that's right. They put them up the Thursday before Halloween. While it seems unlikely, there is some logic to it. But I'm sure I'll go into that some other time--I have plenty to say about the Christmas decorations, some good & some bad.

But anyway, from my bedroom window, I can see the arch of green lights, with a star of gold lights in the center, over the street. And I have been waiting, as patiently as I can, to see a pretty snowfall come down over it.

Finally, last night, I got to see it. And it was worth the wait.