Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Guaranteed 100% free from any and all Grimm puns.

As a card carrying member of the Steeler Nation and owner of this blog, I see it is necessary for me to make a post about the Steelers. I don’t feel the need, but for some reason, I think I just might lose that status as Steeler Nation Citizen if I don’t blog about them.

So, here is my effort. As promised, there will be no puns on Grimm’s name. Nor will I attempt to find something, anything, that rhymes with Tomlin.

My opinion on the Steelers hiring Mike Tomlin? Well, to be honest, no one cares. I mean, about my opinion. At least, no one who counts cares. It isn’t like the Rooneys rang me up and said, “Hey, Kel, who do YOU think we should hire?” And that is the way it is supposed to be.

And when the time comes for me to make a major purchase, say new winter boots, I don’t call the Rooney family for their input (though I’m sure that Dan would have no problems choosing a stylish pair). While the Rooney’s favorite non-football past-time very well may be watching the proles like me scramble on foot across an icy Clemente bridge during the morning commute, they keep their boot purchasing advice to themselves.

They don’t care where I found them, how much I paid for them, how much “experience” they have, what color, style, or scheme they are. They leave me and my boots alone.

And I suggest we give them the same respect.

We will all find out soon enough what Mike Tomlin is made of, how he fits the Steeler’s organization. We may all be pleasantly pleased to learn that he is the perfect fit. Or we may find out that he isn’t and should have never even stopped in our town. But either way, our job, as fans, is to sit down, shut up and watch the game. The answers come at the end and we have no reason to believe we deserve them any sooner.

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